Neubarth Honey

Honey from your Cuesta Park Neighborhood

Lemonade, fresh-squeezed, sweetened with delicious Neubarth honey on ice. How can you resist?


Small: $10 (half pint)

Large: $18 (pint)

Super: $32 (quart)

$2 credit for returned usable jars

Payment - Venmo or Paypal

Local pick-up only.

After payment, I will leave your order on my porch.

Email to arrange.

Paypal Link:

Venmo Code:

Summer 2021 Update

Thanks to all your flowering plants, the hives are buzzing! The next harvest will be mid-summer (volunteers needed).

About Neubarth Honey

My honey comes from the nectar of the neighborhood flowering plants and has an awesome aroma and flavor. The aroma and flavor vary depending on which particular flowers were in bloom prior to the harvest date.

I spin the honey straight from the comb with only coarse filtering to get out the big chunks of wax, pollen, and propolis.

Because of this, the delicate aromas of flower nectar (honey is flower nectar that is concentrated by the bees) stay in the honey. To get the most enjoyment of these indescribable aromas, put the honey on something warm like toast, tea, or oatmeal.

Because I do not heat or micro-filter the honey as is done with mass-produced honey, the honey will naturally solidify (crystallize) in the jar. For this reason, my honey is sold in wide-mouth jars so you can spoon it out. If you want it liquid honey, you can heat the jar it in warm water.

BTW, honey is dense - 12 pounds per gallon (water is 8 pounds per gallon), so shipping gets expensive. Also, the jars cannot be completely filled because honey expands with increasing temperature, some air space allows this without causing the honey to leak or break the jar.

half pint jar has about 11.25 oz / 318 g honey

pint jar has about 1.44 pounds / 650 g honey

quart jar has about 2.88 pounds / 1306 g honey